Supporting Organizations We are grateful to the following organizations for their support of the CRD. Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America ( AESA) and AESA - MI Section accept online donations. OR you may donate by check by downloading the contribution forms for AESA-CA or AESA-MI . United Armenian Fund (UAF) ships, free of charge, much-needed instrumentation from the United States and Europe to the CRD. Armenian Assembly of America (AAA), Armenian National Committee of America(ANCA), Armenian Heritage Cruise (AHC), Armenian Technology Group (ATG), Armenian Relief Society (ARS), Knights and Daughters of Vartan (KoV, DoV), Armenian Library and Museum of America (ALMA), National Association of Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR), Armenian Vendor, Hairenik Bookstore in Watertown MA, many Armenian churches and schools provide support in a variety of ways. Many Thanks!
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